YEP Energy

About the company

YEP Energy is an energy supplier based in Houston. The company, committed to offering competitive rates and high quality customer service, delivers energy to residential and commercial customers within Texas. YEP Energy constantly keeps growing and improving its performance to make sure customers get the best experience possible. YEP Energy has many years of experience in the energy industry so customers can know it is a reliable and trustworthy supplier.

YEP Energy was founded 10 years ago and over the years it has regularly been awarded an A+rating. Moreover, the supplier achieved a rank of 5-Stars from the Public Utility Commission of Texas, which means that the amount of customer complaints they receive is the lowest in the industry.

YEP Energy wants to offer the best customer service on the energy market.

What services does YEP Energy offer?

YEP Energy always puts the customer first. When a new client expresses interest in choosing YEP Energy as their supplier, they have the chance to attend a consultation during which an energy expert evaluates their individual needs. Based on this information YEP Energy prepares a personalised energy plan for them. YEP Energy aims to build long-term relationships with its customers.

YEP Energy offers solutions for both residential and commercial customers.

As the company says, ‘one size fits all’ approach pricing does not work for them. The duration of the contract, the average consumption, and the payment structure varies from business to business. That is why YEP Energy aims to customise a pricing plan for each customer.

Is YEP Energy green?

YEP Energy is committed to protecting the environment and transforming Texas into a cleaner, greener place. It executes this mission by procuring Renewable Energy Credits. YEP Energy’s customers can choose 100% Green Earth Renewable plans on a month-to-month or fixed price basis. All the supplier’s renewable plans come with competitive rates and, contrary to what some may think, they are not more expensive than regular tariffs. YEP Energy also offers paperless billing.

On top of that, YEP Energy wants to give something back to the community so its team members volunteer with various NGOs and charities.